Professor of culture, society and commerce
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Humber College Institute of technology
and advanced learning
CERLAC Associate Fellow
Tyler A. Shipley. Ph.D.
Dr. Tyler Shipley is the author of Canada in the World: Settler Capitalism and the Colonial Imagination (Fernwood Books, 2020) and Ottawa and Empire: Canada and the Military Coup in Honduras (Between the Lines, 2017). He completed his Ph.D. in Political Science at York University in 2013 and his M.A. in History at the University of Manitoba in 2006.
Canada in the World: Settler Capitalism and the Colonial Imagination, Fernwood, Halifax, 2020. (Nominated for the Rik Davidson Studies in Political Economy Book Prize in Political Economy, the Errol Sharpe Book Award, and the Canadian Studies Network - Réseau d'études canadiennes Book Prize.)
Ottawa and Empire: Canada and the Military Coup in Honduras, Between the Lines, Toronto, 2017. (Nominated for the Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Outstanding Book Award, and the Canadian Studies Network - Réseau d'études canadiennes Book Prize).
Book Chapters
"Canadian Banks in Latin America and the Caribbean" (co-authored with David P. Thomas) in David P. Thomas and Veldon Coburn, ed., Capitalism and Dispossession: Corporate Canada at Home & Abroad, Fernwood, Halifax, 2022.
“Hockey Invented Canada: Questioning the Myths of Manufactured Nationalism,” in Victoria Kannan and Neil Shyminsky, ed., The Spaces and Places of Canadian Popular Culture, Canadian Scholars, Toronto, 2020.
"'The Most Dangerous Country in the World': Violence and Capital in Post-Coup Honduras," in Dawn Paley and Simon Granovsky-Larsen, ed., Organized Violence: Capitalist Warfare in Latin America, University of Regina Press, Regina, 2019.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
“Genealogy of a Social Movement: The Resistencia in Honduras,” Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Vol. 41, No. 3, November 2016.
“Enclosing the Commons in Honduras,” American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol. 75, Issue 2, March 2016.
“Land Seizure, Dispossession, and Canadian Capital in Honduras,” Human Geography Vol 8, No. 2, 2015.
“The New Canadian Imperialism and the Military Coup in Honduras,” Latin American Perspectives Vol. 40, No. 5, September 2013.
“Currency Wars: Oil, Iraq and the Future of U.S. Hegemony,” Studies in Political Economy No. 79, Spring 2007.
Commissioned Reports
“Not A Crack For The Light To Come In: Civil-Military Relations in Honduras” commissioned by the Chr. Michaelson Institute (Bergen, Norway), 2014-15.
Selected Journalistic Publications
"The Historical Roots of the Conflict in Ukraine," The Maple, March 1, 2022.
"Can We Really Fight for a Left Agenda in the NDP?" Canadian Dimension, September 24, 2021.
"How the Romanov Dynasty Bested Doug Ford at Pandemic Management," Canadian Dimension, April 29, 2021.
“The Myth of Canadian Generosity,” Briarpatch, May 3, 2021.
“The World is Burning and Canada Will Not Extinguish It,” Canadian Dimension, July 1, 2020.
“Crisis in Honduras not a good investment,” Development Today (Norway), Issue 2, March 2016.
“Blood flows where Canadian capital goes,” Winnipeg Free Press, March 7, 2016.
“The NHL and the New Canadian Militarism”, Canadian Dimension, Vol. 47, No. 4, July-August 2013.
“Left Solidarity in Post-Coup Honduras,” Upside Down World, September 26, 2012.
“Soccer, Imperialism, and Resistance in Honduras,” Left Hook, June 7, 2012.
“Pro-Sports, Anti-Olympics: Reclaiming the games from the Games,” The Bullet, No. 314, February 13, 2010.
“Honduras: The Coup That Never Happened,” The Bullet, No. 290, Dec 22, 2009.
Book Reviews
"On Necrocapitalism: A Plague Diary," by M.I. Asma, Marx and Philosophy Review of Books, July 10, 2022.
“Empire’s Ally: Canada and the War in Afghanistan,” by Jerome Klassen and Greg Albo (ed.), Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 47, No. 1, March 2014.
“Earthly Plenitudes: A Study on Sovereignty and Labor,” by Bruno Gulli, Labour/Le Travail, Vol. 66, Fall/Automne 2010.
Invited Speaker
"Canada in the World," Keynote Address, Atlantic International Studies Organization Conference, Mount Allison University, (Sackville, NB), March 2022.
"Colonial Roots Run Deep," Panelist for Contingency Base Canada: War-Making Infrastructure and Military Grow-Ops, Saint Mary's University, (Halifax, NS), January 2022.
“Honduras in Crisis: Canada’s Long Shadow in Central America,” Memorial University of Newfoundland (St. John’s, NL) March 2018.
“Ottawa and Empire: Canada and the Military Dictatorship in Honduras,” University of British Columbia-Okanagan (Kelowna, BC), March 2018.
“Ottawa and Empire: Canada’s Changing Relations in Central America,” Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC) Special Event, York University (Toronto, ON), November 2017.
“Ottawa and Empire: Re-evaluating Canada’s Place in the World,” Toronto Reference Library Speaker Series (Toronto, ON), October 2017.
“This Changes Everything” Film Screening, Humber College Earth Week roundtable discussion (Etobicoke, ON), March 2016.
“Canada’s New Plan for the Americas,” CPSG Academic Exchange on Latin America & the Caribbean: Democracy, Development, & Security in the Americas, University of Toronto (Toronto, ON), February 2014.
“The Shadow Empire: Talking About Canadian Imperialism in America,” Global Policy Forum, United Nations Plaza (New York, NY) June 2012.
“The University and Its Limits: Cutbacks in Public Education” roundtable, Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, BC) June 2010.
Guest Lectures
"Canada in the World," The Country Day School, King City, for Zachary Fanni, March 1, 2022.
"Colonial Past and Present in Canada," CYC 3510, Humber College, for Shaheen Ariefdien, January 26, 2022.
“Canada in the World,” DVM 1100A, University of Ottawa, for Susan Spronk, September 29, 2021.
“Honduras in the 20th Century,” Modern Latin American History, Memorial University of Newfoundland, for Michael D. Kirkpatrick, March 9, 2018.
“A Brief History of Honduras, Canada, and the Coup,” POL 305Y (Latin American Politics), University of Toronto, for Donald Kingsbury, February 4, 2014.
“Sports and Resistance,” SOCI 3670 (Sociology of Sport), York University, for Tracy Supruniuk, December 5, 2013.
Selected Conference Papers
“A Grin Without a Cat: The Narrowing of Political Horizons since 1969,” Humber Liberal Arts at the International Festival of Authors, (Toronto, Canada), October 2019.
“‘Russians Can’t Be Trusted’ and other Myths That Sustain Canadian Hockey Culture,” Conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, (Windsor, Canada), November 2017.
“Canada is Back: Interrogating Canada’s Return to Liberal Internationalism,” GAHSSR 19th International Conference on Social Science and Humanities, (Barcelona, Spain), July 2017.
“Land Seizure and Dispossession in Canadian Mega-Projects,” Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies Congress, (Calgary, Canada), May 2016.
“Harper in Honduras: Canada’s Troubled Encounter With ‘A Better World’,” Humber Liberal Arts and Sciences Conference, (Toronto, Canada), September 2015.
“Canada and Honduras: A Case Study in Foreign Policy as Economic Policy,” Uncaring Canada: Business, Politics and Culture in Canada’s New Engagement with the Americas, University of Toronto (Toronto, Canada) September 2014.
“Anatomy of a Social Movement: Two Decades of Struggle in Honduras,” Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies Congress, Université Laval University (Quebec City, Canada) May 2014.
“Dispossession in the Siria Valley: A Concrete Analysis of Land Seizure by Canadian Mining Companies in Honduras,” Historical Materialism Toronto, York University (Toronto, Canada) May 2014.
“’Our Job is to Kill People’: Global Class Struggle and the New Canadian Imperialism,” Historical Materialism, University of London-SOAS, (London, UK) November 2013.
“The Forward March of Canadian Capital,” Canadian Association for Caribbean and Latin American Studies, Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada) May 2013.
“Beyond Cartagena: International Solidarity with the Honduran Resistance,” Canadian Association for Caribbean and Latin American Studies, University of British Columbia-Okanagan (Kelowna, Canada) May 2012.
“The Coup That Wasn't A Coup But Was Obviously A Coup: Canada and the Demise of Honduran Democracy,” Canadian Association for Caribbean and Latin American Studies, Concordia University (Montreal, Canada) June 2010.
“Cleansing the Coup, Authoring an Election: North America and Honduras in 2009” Historical Materialism Toronto, York University (Toronto, Canada) May 2010.
“Live Richly!: Class Struggle and the Economic Collapse of 2008-09,” Rethinking Marxism, University of Massachusetts-Amherst (Amherst, USA) November 2009.
“Whose Capitalist Crisis?: Working People and the Global Economic Meltdown of 2008-09,” World History and Historical Materialism, University of Manitoba (Winnipeg, Canada) February 2009.
“Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, B, A, Select, Start: Nintendo and Hegemony in ‘Gen X’ America,” Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Saskatchewan (Saskatoon, Canada) June 2007.
“Finding the Fountainhead: M.N. Roy and the National Question in Marxist Theory and Praxis” Fort Garry Lectures in History, University of Manitoba (Winnipeg, Canada) April 2006.
“Currency Wars: Iraq, Oil and the Future of American Hegemony" Fort Garry Lectures in History, University of Manitoba (Winnipeg, MB) April 2005.
Conference Organizer
“Mapping Nations, Locating Citizens,” Humber Liberal Arts-International Festival of Authors Conference, Toronto, October 2015.
“Uncaring Canada: Business, Politics, and Culture in Canada’s New Engagement with the Americas,” symposium, University of Toronto (Toronto, Canada) September 26, 2014. Speakers included Jerome Klassen (MIT), Stephen Brown (University of Ottawa), Laura MacDonald (Carleton University), A.L. McCready (McMaster University), Ricardo Grinspun (York University)
“3rd International Graduate Student Research Conference on Latin America and the Caribbean,” conference, Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean, York University (Toronto, Canada) March 15-16, 2013.
“Canada and Empire: The New Canadian Imperialism in Central America,” research presentation, Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean, York University (Toronto, Canada) September 2012.
Selected Awards and Achievements
Best Paper Award, GAHSSR International Conference, University of Barcelona, 2017
Top 10% in student evaluation (Humber College, Liberal Arts and Sciences, 2015-2019)
York University Contract Faculty Conference Fund, 2013-2017
Twice nominated for Ian Greene Award for Teaching Excellence (York University, 2011, 2012)
York University Fieldwork Costs Fund, 2012
York University Research Costs Fund, 2011
SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship, 2007-2010
York University Entrance Scholarship, 2006
W.L. Morton Medal for Outstanding MA Graduate in History, 2006
University of Winnipeg Teaching Fellowship, 2004-2006
Henry Bourassa Prize in Political Theory, 2003
University of Manitoba Entrance Scholarship, 1999
Professional Affiliations and Service
Peer Reviewer: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing, Journal of Socialist Studies, Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, Antipode, Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
2019-2022: Member, Department of Liberal Studies Humber College Academic Integrity Task Force
2018, 2021: Member, Canadian Studies Association
2019-2021: Member, Society for Socialist Studies
2014-2015: Member, Latin American Studies Association
2014-2017: Associate Fellow, Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean
2011-2014: Research Associate, Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean
2010-2017: Member, Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Selected Additional Accreditation
Certificate of Completion of Accessibility Awareness Training (Humber College, 2021)
Completion of Teaching Excellence Program (Humber College, August 2016 – June 2017)
Certificate of Completion of Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation training (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities, Humber College, 2015)
Selected Teaching
POLS 2000 - Canada and the World - Humber College (Degree)
HIST 2200 - The Making of the Modern World - Humber College (Degree)
ECON 2005 - Business and Politics - Humber College (Degree)
POLS 2003 - Democracy and Dictatorship (Degree)
ECON 204 - People, Money and Markets - Humber College (Diploma)
POLS 150 - Introduction to Politics - Humber College (Diploma)
AHSS 1040 - Currents in 20th Century World History - University of Guelph-Humber
BADM 3200 - Business and Government - University of Guelph-Humber
SOSC 3230 - Labour and Globalization - York University
COMN 3252 - Ethics and the Media - York University
ILST 3650 - International Peace, Security, and Human Rights - York University-Glendon (TA)
ILST 2622 - Culture, Globalization and International Civil Society - York University-Glendon (TA)
ILST 2644 - International Society: History, Philosophy and Theories - York University-Glendon (TA)
SOSC 1340 - Introduction to Business and Society - York University (TA)
POLS 2201 - Introduction to International Politics - York University (TA)
POLS 2100 - Introduction to Canadian Politics - York University (TA)
POLS 1000 - Introduction to Politics - York University (TA)